Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Preferences of Gender Essay - 787 Words

Preferences of Gender Some might argue that there is a difference in the parenting of a boy compared to that of a girl. However true this may be, one must recognize and disregard the sexist implications that have been portrayed for generations. Girls are often said to be easily content and depicted as â€Å"brave and tough†. One might be surprised to find that a little girl could be just as interested in playing with a football as she would a Barbie doll if given the opportunity. This simply demonstrates the nonsexist choice of a toy that the girl has made. There are, without a doubt, many differences and different needs in raising a boy than a girl. These differences, however, do not exhibit the difficulties it takes to raise a boy†¦show more content†¦Therefore, if the couple is given the option of sex pre-selection, they would be creating an â€Å"ideal† sex ratio within their family, simply by having a boy and then a girl. Most couples that go through sex pre-selection al ready have at least one or two girls. Lawyers, health activists, feminists, doctors, and politicians should not have the say in the gender of a child for a couple. By a couple being able to make their own choice of their child’s gender, they are merely weaving out the unwanted children of an undesired sex in the population. This undoubtedly leads to less abortions, and less partial birth abortions. Is it fair to allow those who rather adopt or have no choice but to adopt to choose the sex of their child, and not allow those who are capable of having a child to choose the gender of their baby? Ideally, one sees a family as being the husband going to work everyday, the wife staying home to take care of the house and family, the son who is the star player on his high school football team and the little sister that the â€Å"big brother† takes care of. Lets face it though the fifty’s are over and this idealism is merely a hypothetical dream of a utopian society where the sex ratio is one to one, most family’s either have on child, or no childrenShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Gender Preferences?806 Words   |  4 Pagesonly to take out the larger group of people if they are breaking the law and the passengers of the vehicle will die if the car avoids them. As I mentioned earlier I believe Gender to an AI would be an impossible factor to distinguish my results actua lly showed this as I was right in the middle when it comes to gender preferences. I disagree with the results about the weight group as this is another factor in which I believe an AI would Not be able to distinguish I took the test a few times and thisRead MoreEssay on Gender and Music Preference1855 Words   |  8 PagesGender and Music Preference There are so many different forms and genres of music that people admire. 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